Orchids have a fragile appearance, but they are hardy, low-maintenance houseplants. They are a flora staple, with their glossy green leaves and beautiful blossoms in colors ranging from white to deep pink. Care for an orchid is similar to that of any other houseplant.
However, there are times when orchids go without blooming at all. For several reasons, orchids may produce new leaves but no flowers. Don’t worry. Poor maintenance or the wrong time of year are two examples of them.
To get flowers to appear, you need to figure out why there aren’t any. By reading this guide, you will be able to know, Orchid Growing New Leaves but Not Flowers: 14 Reasons.

Let’s start,
What causes my orchid not to flower?
There is no definitive cause for why an orchid could start producing leaves instead of blooms. In any case, it’s a great place to look into if you’re interested in plants.
There are typical causes for orchids to produce new leaves instead of flowers.
1. Stress on the plant
Your orchid leaves may grow in the opposite direction of the flowers if you take a close enough look. The plant is probably under some stress, which is causing this. Under duress, plant growth often takes on a more erratic pattern as a means of conserving energy.
Plants like orchids may be delicate and easily damaged by shifts in their surrounding environment. Because of their fragility, orchids require special care. Instead of blossoms, they will send out leaves if they are under too much pressure.
How to fix it?
Don’t take your eyes off the plant. Do periodic checks on the plant. Make sure to water the plants. Think about how the sun, temperature, and humidity affect your situation.
2. Inadequate fertilization
Fertilizer is essential for plant growth, requiring just the proper quantity to flourish. There may not be enough for your orchid’s needs, which could explain why it isn’t flourishing.
A problem with the soil or drainage could potentially prevent the plant from getting enough water and nutrients. Insufficient fertilization may cause the plant to generate leaves instead of flowers.
How to fix it?
Thus, a specific orchid fertilizer in spray form recommend for providing the ariel roots, and potting material with all the nutrients orchids need for blossoming.
When growing orchids, it is essential to utilize a specialist solution that provides all the nutrients the plant needs at the optimal concentration for flowering. Orchids with fertilizer typically do not flower well, so it is vital to use a specialized product and apply the fertilizer every four weeks in the Spring and Summer to boost flowering.
3. Overwatering
Overwatering the orchid is a typical mistake many people make when caring for orchids. Orchids are epiphytes. It means they grow on other trees rather than the ground. They require well-drained soil, plenty of air circulation, and high humidity near their roots, although they originate in rainy regions.
The roots of an orchid will decay if it is overwatered, and its potting material remains damp all the time.
When the roots of an orchid die, the plant is under too much stress because it is difficult to absorb the water and nutrients it needs to bloom. Without strong, robust roots, an orchid won’t bloom.
How to fix it?
Moth orchids (phalaenopsis) require a pine bark-based potting media that mimics the characteristics of their original environment, including excellent drainage and permits humid air to circulate the roots when planted.
For your orchid to bloom, it is essential to maintain a healthy root system; good drainage can help with that.
How often should you water orchid plants?
Orchids need to water every 7–10 days in the spring and summer and about once every ten days in the winter to stay healthy and bloom well.
However, orchids grown in moss-based potting mediums require frequent repotting since the medium decomposes more quickly than bark-based mediums, causing it to retain more water and lessen the available oxygen surrounding the roots.
If stressed, it may take a year or more of suitable conditions for the orchid to start flowering again. At this point, it will redirect its energy toward immediate survival of the dire conditions and regrowth to replace any roots that may have died off.
4. Unsuitable garden/potting mix
Orchids are very particular about the type of soil they plant in. They can’t flourish without high-quality potting soil. Orchids may fail to flower if planted on the incorrect substrate.
How to fix it?
Therefore, repotting your orchids is necessary if you have eliminated every other possible cause and they are still failing to bloom. If you want your orchids to bloom beautifully, repotting them into more suitable soil is a must.
Orchid potting soil can purchase from a garden center or online. However, you may make your potting soil at home.
How to make a potting mix for Orchids at home?
If you’re looking for the best recipes for making your orchid potting mix, you’ve come to the right place!
Coconut Husk Chips Mix
- Coconut husks chips
- Perlite
- Fine charcoal
- Water
- Container
The coconut chips should well rinse before being combined with 1 part charcoal and 1 part perlite in a 2:2:1 ratio. Mix in some water, then leave the ingredients alone for the night. Before storing it in a jar, press out any extra moisture.
Sphagnum Potting Mix
- Medium Sponge Rock
- Sphagnum Moss
- Aerolite
- Container
Put nine scoops of sphagnum moss into your measuring device. Two scoops of medium sponge rock and one scoop of aerolite should add to the bucket after the sphagnum moss. Use a spoon to combine everything.
Bark Potting Mix
- Tree Bark
- Peat moss
- Container
Use a single piece of ground tree bark. Depending on your tastes, you can use bark from a Coastal redwood, Douglas fir, or Osmunda tree fern. Combine one-fifth perlite or peat moss with four parts of tree bark in the same container. A high-quality potting mix can make by mixing one part osmunda bark with three parts redwood. Incorporate it into the mixture after soaking it for at least 12 hours.
5. Natural reactions
Orchids in the wild respond to environmental cues that tell them the growing season is over, signaling that it is time to bloom. Orchids range in their sensitivity to both heat and light.
Temperature-sensitive people usually bloom in the fall because of the gradual decrease in temperature. In response to this temperature reduction, the orchid prepares to develop a bloom spike, signaling the end of the growth cycle.
Orchids cultivated in homes where the temperature is pretty stable may be slow to bloom because they lack this natural trigger. Most Phalaenopsis flowering plants only need a short time (about a week or two) of temperatures in the 60s to begin their blooming cycle.
The standard process of light-sensitive orchids growing in homes with lights left on through the night is similarly disturbed. Plants of this variety, if left outside over the summer, typically begin blooming when they detect the days getting shorter.
6. Wrong temperature
Orchids are suited to a specific temperature sequence, preferring daytime highs of 61°F to 66°F (16°C to 19°C) and nighttime lows of 50°F to 60°F (10°C to 15°C).
Orchids respond positively to a temperature gradient consisting of cooler evenings followed by warmer afternoons, prompting the development of a new flower spike and subsequent blooming.
The orchid can grow but will not bloom if there is no temperature swing between day and night. In our homes, where the temperature tends to rise rather than fall at night due to heating systems, this can be a serious concern because it is opposite to the orchid’s natural environment.
How to fix it?
If you want your orchid to flower, you should put it somewhere chilly at night, between 55⁰F and 66⁰F or about 5 degrees cooler than the daytime temperature, like a window ledge or porch.
Orchids need to keep well away from any heat sources. The orchid can tolerate temperatures as low as 55⁰F at night and as high as 75⁰F during the day.
To encourage the growth of additional flowers and flower spikes, maintain a temperature difference of roughly 10°F cooler at night for 2–4 weeks. A fresh flower spike should grow after a few weeks of milder night temperatures, allowing the orchid to blossom again.
7. Changing location
Because orchids are so delicate, transferring them is usually not worth the trouble. The fact that these flowers spend their entire lives in the exact location means they produce abundant blooms.
How to fix it?
The guidelines should serve your limit: relocating the flower to a cooler, shadier location as winter approaches is acceptable. The plant will survive if the pot is moved around after transplanting.
The moving phalaenopsis forces it to focus on flexibility instead of producing a peduncle.
8. Root damage
Strong foundations yield healthy blossoms. Sometimes the leaves of an orchid will look healthy, but the plant’s root system will be in grave peril. Too much water or not enough time spent repotting can cause root problems.
Without enough oxygen, orchid roots quickly die. Orchids pot in a different media than regular houseplants. There comes the point when even the highest quality orchid mix needs to replace. People often neglect their orchids for too long because they fear the repotting process. The orchid’s energy reserves could deplete as a result of this.
How to fix it?
Because of this, orchids should only get watered when the soil at their crowns is arid. Damage to the roots will avoid.
In addition, every year or two, you should repot your orchids to see their roots. While repotting, you should use the opportunity to remove any damaged plant roots.
Choosing a high-quality orchid mixture is crucial. Orchid combinations sold in certain retailers are not what they seem. The importance of newness and quality in orchid mixtures cannot overstate.
9. Lack of sunlight
Bright sunshine is ideal for orchids. When flowering, the plant’s foliage can only take in so much sunlight before they explode into color. Insufficient light prevents flowering. Your orchids require more sunlight if they put out new leaves but do not bloom. Orchids don’t have enough energy to boost bloom formation if they’re in a shaded place in your home with low amounts of light.
Look at the plant’s leaves to confirm that the lack of sunlight is the problem. Drooping is another clue that additional light need for your orchids.
How to fix it?
Simulating the light conditions that orchids typically experience in their natural habitat is necessary to encourage flowering.
It’s best to keep orchids out of rooms with North-facing windows, even though they might blossom there initially.
Orchid plants thrive in an east- or south-facing window’s bright, warm light. Orchid leaves are delicate and can quickly burn to a dull yellow or brown in direct sunshine, so it’s best to keep them in filtered light instead.
Even if the plant is already flowering, this stress could cause the blooms to fall off. Give your orchid all the energy and resources it needs to bloom by keeping it in a bright room similar to its natural environment.
Orchids that need a lot of light can be put in a vanda basket and hung from a tree branch. High-light orchids can have a strong growth season if the humidity is high and they get enough water.
10. Seasonal issues
Orchids are not all the same, and their flowering times can vary greatly. Most orchids bloom in the winter, while some bloom in the summer and fall.
Since it may be out of season for orchids to produce flowers, this may explain why they are creating new leaves but not flowers. Just be patient with your plants and wait until the right time for blossoming.
When you acquire an orchid, you will see that it has a plant label. You can predict when your orchids will blossom if you read the labels carefully. Blooming inhibit by overwatering and saturated soil mediums.
11. New growth
Orchids can develop either sympodial or monopodial. Orchid species that grow from a single stem are known as monopodial. There is one main stem from which the leaves radiate. Leaves should produce at least in size incrementally. A minimum of 1-2 new leaves per year recommend.
If you have a monopodial orchid, the next flower spike will emerge from the opposite side of the plant, from the base of a leaf.
Monopodial orchids like Phalaenopsis must grow new leaves yearly to maintain their flowering habit over time. Eventually, when the orchid reaches its full height and vigor, it will simultaneously shoot up a bloom spike from both ends of the stem.
Orchids with a sympodial growth habit have the potential to produce one or two new stems annually. A newly purchased orchid may have four or five stalks, the majority of which cover in leaves, but only the tallest of these will produce a flower. These orchids have “stalks” known as pseudobulbs.
A healthy orchid will make a new pseudobulb at the site of the preceding pseudobulb’s growth and flowering. This new pseudobulb should grow to be at least as large as, if not larger than, the one that recently bloomed during the leaf and root growth period (not the bloom period), typically in the summer. This fresh pseudobulb is where we should expect the next flush of blooms to emerge.
How to encourage bloom after new growth?
To ensure that your orchid will bloom the following year again, you should encourage the growth of large, robust pseudobulbs—other essentials for thriving new growth besides good lighting, fertilizer, and moisture.
As the orchid gets bigger and stronger, it will develop several pseudobulbs, all of which can spike at once, producing a profusion of beautiful flowers.
12. Old flower spikes
Orchids seldom flower at the same node twice; once a node on a flower spike has flowered, it will not flower again.
As a result, if the orchid has already flowered and the flowers have fallen off, you may be left with a tall, green flower spike that has no blooms and is not likely to produce anymore.
Sometimes a flower spike will turn brown or yellow down to the root of the plant, rendering the point incapable of producing a new side shoot or any other flowers.
How to fix it?
If the rest of the orchid appears healthy and green, it may not be a sign that the plant is dying, but you should remove the flower spike and discard it.
The result should be the development of a new flower spike that can bear other blossoms. When a flower spike is still green but has not yet flowered, you may tell it is time to prune it by looking for a node or an emerging shoot and cutting it off at that point.
Orchids can produce a new flowering stem from an already established flower spike. Nighttime temperature drops of about 10°F for 2 to 4 weeks are often necessary to encourage new flower spike growth in orchids.
It prompts the orchid to produce a fresh spike of blooms and indicates it is time for blooming.
13. Lack of Maturity
Most orchids don’t start flowering until they’re three to five years old. A young plant won’t produce flowers until given a lot of time and care.
14. Low humidity
Orchids (Phalaenopsis) grown in homes are tropical plants that thrive in humid climates and receive regular rainfall.
Orchids require about 50% humidity but thrive in our 10% humidity environments. The orchid’s roots dry down due to the humidity difference, and the plant either stops flowering or is under too much stress to produce more blossoms.
How to fix it?
To simulate their natural humid forest environment, many people choose to cultivate orchids in bathrooms because of the high levels of humidity typically found there.
Misting the leaves, roots, and flower stalks once a day will produce an environment similar to what an orchid would experience in its natural habitat, allowing you to grow and bloom orchids wherever in your home.
The water loss from the leaves of an orchid can reduce, and conditions similar to its natural tropical habitat can be recreated by misting the plant.
How do you care for an orchid plant to produce flowers again?

A picture that your orchid plant is producing leaves instead of blossoms. In that scenario, giving it the care it needs will ensure its continued success. Here are some suggestions for tending to an orchid plant that has stopped flowering but is still alive:
If you give your orchid plant the attention it needs, it should continue flourishing and blooming beautifully for years to come.
1. Know the life cycle of orchid varieties
When it comes to re-blooming orchids, the old saying “good things come to those who wait” is true. Phalaenopsis orchids can take a month, two, or even months to re-bloom. Orchids aren’t the only flowers that have yearly blooms.
The excitement comes from watching for a flower spike to emerge and then finally seeing it adorned with tiny buds. It could become a pleasant routine to pause periodically to take in the blossoms.
2. Water the plants regularly.
The key to keeping your orchids healthy is letting them dry out between waterings. When the growing media is dry to the touch, and the pot is light, it is time to water. Or you might just examine the origins.
A promising sign that they have been getting enough water is if they are complete and either white or green. They need water if they’re shriveled and gray. Worse yet, they may be decaying if they’ve shrunken but retained a spongey texture and have turned a dark color, such as black or brown.
During the warmer months, when the plant is actively growing, you should water it twice weekly, and during the cooler months, once weekly is usually plenty. Use water at room temperature, then gradually increase the rate you’re filling the pot.
3. Ensure the plant is getting enough light.
To flower, orchids require intense light. But they can get burned by the sun if it’s shining directly on them. Use indirect sunlight from the south or east-facing window for optimal brightness.
How to add light to your orchid plants?
- Relocate the orchid to a brighter spot in your home.
- Hang a sheer curtain over a window if the sun is beating intensely.
- Improve upon the existing lighting by introducing additional fluorescent or LED bulbs.
4. Check the temperature.
Orchids thrive in temperatures between 50°F and 90°F, depending on their classification. And 40% to 70% humidity is ideal for them.
5. Check the humidity.
If you keep your orchid in a warm and relatively humid setting, you can extend its flowering period. Don’t put your orchid near drafts, direct sunlight, or heating vents that make a lot of air movement. These blooms are highly susceptible to the damaging effects of dry air, direct heat, and cold.
6. Provide fertile soil for plants.
Regular potting soil and potting mixes are not appropriate for orchids. Orchids, on the other hand, need a growing media that is both lightweight and well-drained, and these can be found commercially or made by yourself.
Bark, sphagnum moss, perlite, and peat frequently combine in potting soil blends. The optimal pH level is somewhat acidic.
7. Feed the plants properly.
During the active growing period, apply a fertilizer formulated specifically for orchids, following the product label’s directions. Avoid fertilizing in the colder months.
8. Let a young Orchid develop.
There is a chance that a young orchid will need some time to mature before it blooms. A seedling takes two to four years to become a flowering plant. Ask the vendor if the orchid is fully grown before purchasing from them to avoid this problem.
You can save money by purchasing an orchid when it is still a juvenile rather than an adult. Many orchid enthusiasts invest in juvenile plants with the hope that they will eventually mature into fully blooming specimens.
9. Cut the flower spike.
Except for the phalaenopsis and Phragmipedium species, most orchids only produce a single flower from each flower stem. The same Phragmipedium stem can deliver flowers for several months. The flower stalks of phalaenopsis orchids can keep growing and blooming indefinitely.
Phragmipedium orchids benefit from being left alone until the bloom stem stops generating buds.
However, if you want your phalaenopsis to thrive, you should limit them to just one or two blooming cycles. Next, trim the flower stalk to be about an inch above the crown’s terminal node.
If you want your Phalaenopsis to blossom again with full force, trim back the flower stalk after each blooming cycle instead of producing fewer and fewer flowers. Most orchids don’t bloom again on the same flower stalk, so it’s best to cut the stem using disinfected shears once they flower. A well-kept orchid provides less cover for pests.
10. Repot the plant.
Orchids need to repot every two to three years, and if yours is too small, it could be why the plant isn’t flowering.
11. Keep an eye on pests and diseases.
Orchids are particularly susceptible to pests and illnesses, which are harmful to the plants and the flowers’ aesthetic value.
Spotted blooms are an indication of botrytis, a fungal illness. Malformed blossoms are a symptom of several diseases. Splitting or streaking of color is a sign of a viral infection—aphids and other insects that transfer disease favor tender new development like flower buds.
5 Easiest orchid varieties to grow
Many species of orchids are pretty simple to cultivate in your garden. Grow an orchid, then take pleasure in its flowers.
1. Cattleya
The Cattleya orchid is the standard bearer for the corsage. Their blooms easily identify as orchids. The long-lasting, massive flowers are worth the effort.
Cattleyas have hybridized extensively, which has led to a wide variety of forms, sizes, and colors. Although Cattleyas come in various shapes and sizes, their maintenance needs are mainly standard. Minor variants are ideal for limited growing spaces.
2. Maxillaria
Orchids are a genus with a wide range of relative ease of cultivation. This section will examine the species introduced in the first section. Orchids in the genus Maxillaria have triangular flowers with three larger sepals and two smaller petals. The size of the blossoms can vary from half an inch to more than 6 inches.
3. Laelia
For a very long time, Laelias and Cattleyas have been crossing. It’s believed that Laelia is the mother of miniature Cattleyas. The plants are hardy and produce enormous flowers reminiscent of Cattleyas.
4. Aspasia
These orchids’ modest light requirements and compact size make them perfect for a windowsill. Planting them in a pot, a hanging basket, or on a wall works great. They’re one of the oncidium alliance’s most low-maintenance members. The flowers have a prominent lip and are huge and brightly colored like stars.
5. Phalaenopsis
The Phalaenopsis orchid, sometimes known as the moth orchid, is a hardy plant. When given the proper care, such plants can flower not only once a year but repeatedly. These orchids may be pretty fashionable, but that in no way diminishes their incredibleness.
Watch How to get your Phalaenopsis Orchid flower again | Video
When do orchids usually start blooming again?
Your plant may appear to be dead, but it is not. The dormant phase allows the plant to replenish the nutrients it loses during the flowering stage. About six to nine months is a typical duration for this stationary phase. Your orchid will then rejuvenate and be ready to blossom once more.
If my orchid is actively growing, how do I tell?
While a snug pot is preferable for orchids, they should not suffocate. The orchids enter their “active growth period when the flowers fall off.” It is during this time when new roots and leaves develop. Your orchid won’t flower again until you encourage fresh root and leaf growth this year—a cyclical energy flow.
When should I cut off the orchid’s stems?
If you want to conduct extensive pruning on a Phalaenopsis orchid:
Wait until after the blooms have faded.
Plan to prune your orchids in the fall, when they are dormant.
Cut the flowering stem off about an inch (2.5 cm) from the central stalk.
How often should you repot orchids?
Repotting orchids is necessary while young, once a year or two, or when the roots begin growing too large for the current container. The moment has come for a close-up since spring has arrived. When your orchids aren’t in bloom, you probably don’t pay attention beyond giving them water and fertilizer.
In what month do orchids typically stop flowering?
Late winter and early spring are prime blooming times for phalaenopsis orchids. The Phalaenopsis orchids in our collection typically stop flowering sometime in late June or early July. However, a few may hold on a little longer. Orchids, including Phalaenopsis, should be repotted after they stop blooming for the best results.
By reading this guide, I hope you got the full idea of Why Does My Orchid Growing New Leaves but Not Flowers: Guide
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