Anethum graveolens, often known as Dill, is a delicate annual in the carrot family (Apiaceae). This herb is native to Asia Minor and the Mediterranean region. Pickling is a common application for the tall, leggy plant, but you can also include the leaves and seeds in other recipes, including bread, salad, dip, and fish. Floral designers respect dill for its fluffy green filler in cut flower bouquets.

Are you trying to find a simple method for growing Dill? If you need to, use some clippings. Herbs are easy to propagate from cuttings, which is one of their main uses. By reading this guide, you will be able to know, How to Grow Dill from Cuttings?.

How to Grow Dill from Cuttings? | A-Z Beginners Guide

Let’s start,

Can you grow Dill from cuttings? 

Yes, of course. You can grow Dill from cuttings. It is not common practice to take cuttings of herbs to start new plants, although this is a relatively simple process. Growing dill from cuttings really the easiest and quickest one.

You can try this and enjoy the fresh harvest.

What do you need to grow Dill from cuttings?

Growing Dill from cuttings is an easy way and requires minimal resources.

  • A healthy dill plant
  • Water-filled glass jar
  • Sharp garden knife or scissor
  • Pot / Container
  • Rich soil

How to grow Dill from cuttings?

There are a few steps to follow when growing the dill herb plant from cutting.

1. Choose the proper cutting. 

To start a new dill plant from healthy cuttings, you must pay attention to which cuttings you use. Recommend to select a branch off the main stem that has new growth and use cuttings from the strongest, healthiest dill plant you can find.

The ideal length for a stem is four inches. More root systems can develop from a giant branch. In addition, the cuttings should have some greens on top so that the young plant can begin photosynthesis immediately rather than wait until it grows its leaves.

Cuttings taken from older stems are typically more robust and successful than those from younger branches.

2. Cut the branch from the main stem.

Be sure each cutting is at least 4 inches in length. Using a clip from a shorter or older branch is preferable if you want a more robust new plant.

Check that the length of each cutting is at least four inches.  Also, make sure the cuttings are at an angle.

These conditions are ideal for root development, as they allow cuttings to absorb more water. If you like Dill, you should cut more than one stem because each one will only produce one young plant. Plus, making a few extra cuts is always a good idea if some of your dill cuttings don’t take.

What is the best time to take Dill cuttings? 

To get the most significant results when growing Dill from cuttings, you should do so in the spring or early summer.

Getting dill cuttings to root and transplanted before the intense heat of summer in the lower zones 6-10 is ideal because Dill does not enjoy a lot of heat. Even in colder climates, the optimal time to root dill cuttings is at the beginning of the growing season.

3. Put the cutting into the water-filled jar.

The only thing left to do is fill a container with water and drop it in the cuttings. If you want the best results, ensure the cuttings submerge for at least a third of their length.

4. Keep it on the window sill.

You should keep it in direct sunlight until beginning roots. The jar can keep on a sunny windowsill or a protected outdoor place like a veranda.

5. Check regularly.

The water should change every four or five days. It is time to change if the water has the slightest hint of discoloration.

Every day, make sure your cutting is going as planned. Indicators of a non-thriving cutting include leaves dropping, getting discolored, no roots growing at the cut spot, the smell being unpleasant, etc.

When will new roots begin to grow?

Cuttings of Dill can expect to root in water in as little as two to three weeks. After four or five days, the new roots begin to emerge. You can observe the dill cuttings you put in a clear glass of water grow white, wispy roots.

6. Transplant the cutting in the soil.

Once began roots in Dill cuttings, you can transplant them into the soil so you want to know a few things.

What is the best time to transplant dill cuttings?

Put the plant cuttings in the soil. When the roots in your water glass are at least two inches long and have begun to branch, you can plant your dill cuttings in the soil.

The next step in cultivating Dill from cuttings is to transfer the young plants to their final growing location.

Where should transplant the Dill cuttings?

If you take dill cuttings and wait for them to develop roots, you can plant them in containers or directly in the ground.

Think about the space you have for dill plants, the soil they’ll plant in, the amount of sunlight they’ll receive, and any containers you might use. You should pick the approach that will be most convenient for you and your family. If you have enough dill cuttings in good condition, you could even accomplish both.

Dill has a lengthy taproot, so if you want to grow it in a container, you’ll need a huge one. The ideal depth for a planting container is 12 inches. They prefer fertile soil when grown outside, so pick a spot with enough of it.

How to prepare the soil for growing Dill from cuttings? 

Dill is an easy-to-grow plant that may thrive in various soil conditions. On the other hand, Dill thrives on fertile, well-drained soil. The optimal range for soil pH is 6–7.5.

To grow Dill, you can use the soil that you’ve prepared. To begin, you need to aerate and amend the soil with organic materials so that cuttings of Dill can successfully plant. Compost or manure added to the ground can help achieve this.

Dill won’t grow if its roots can’t spread out in the soil, so make sure it’s not too hard. After you have worked the ground to make it more aerated and added organic material, you should water it thoroughly. Make sure the soil evenly hydrates before planting your cuttings of Dill.

How to plant the Dill cuttings in the soil?

Simply fill a pot with the soil. Take measures to provide adequate drainage to avoid water logging. Choose a container with at least one drainage hole; two or three are preferable. Put rocks over the drainage holes in your pots to keep soil in.

To avoid stunting the development of your new dill plants and compromising the strength of the main stem, plant the cutting no more profound than half an inch. Place the cutting gently into the pot. Finally, put a thin layer of soil on top and gently compact it.

Even if the cutting seems wobbly or leans to one side, it is best not to panic because the plant will right itself in a few days. It will take the roots several days to penetrate the earth and another few weeks to become firmly anchored in the ground.

Make sure your new dill plant gets enough sunlight and consistent watering. After about a month, it should grow like a typical dill plant. If the dill cuttings get too tall, you can stake them. From the moment you put the cuttings in water until you have a new Dill plant is about a month and a half to a little over two months.

How to care for Dill when growing from cuttings?

There are main caring tips for the Dill plant. When growing cuttings, caring is important. So, follow these caring tips.

1. Sunlight exposure

Your new cutting transplants of Dill will do best in full sun. Dill spends about five to six hours a day doing what he enjoys. Plant your Dill in a portable container if you can’t find an area that gets this much sun.

Select the sunniest spot in the house for your potted Dill to get the most light. Remember that Dill requires a huge pot, so a windowsill is probably not the best place to grow it. A potted dill plant might thrive on a sunny patio, deck, or porch.

Place your garden transplants in an area where they will receive plenty of sunlight. Any nearby vegetation, like trees or bushes, may prevent enough sunlight from reaching your dill seedlings to ensure their success.

2. Fertilizing

Spreading fertilizer over the planting area is called broadcasting while applying fertilizer as a side dressing is another option (applied to the soil on or around the sides of the plant). The seed should not use as a carrier.

A single application of a 20-20-20 or similar formulation should make in late spring at a rate of 0.70 pounds of fertilizer per 100 square feet. The more effective formulation, 15-5-10, is sold at garden centers and doesn’t need as much phosphorus. Apply 1 pound of 15-5-10 per 100 square feet.

3. Watering

Dill cuttings should water at least once a day after transplanting until new growth appears. But always check how wet your soil is and don’t let water stand on it, as this will slow the growth of dill transplants.

4. Mulching

Add organic matter to the soil around your dill plants by mixing in chopped leaves, hay, or straw. To prevent peat moss from developing a crust that repels water, combine it with coarser materials like chopped leaves or shredded paper. Add extra mulch as necessary throughout the summer months as it decomposes.

5. Pruning

Once dill cuttings take root, they grow more, but they rarely need to be trimmed until they become too tall. If you feel like pruning your dill plant, do it from the top to promote bushier growth at the stalk level.

6. Temperature

Temperatures between 60 and 80⁰F are ideal for Dill’s growth. It also needs a lot of sunlight, so plan you’re planting accordingly. Growing Dill in the fall, rather than the late spring, may be preferable in warmer areas.

7. Humidity

Dill is pretty easygoing, and humidity doesn’t bother him much. But the amount of water your newly transplanted dill needs can vary according to the moisture in the air. Low humidity calls for additional watering, whereas high humidity calls for less.

Always use a fingertip to check the soil’s moisture level; you want only a few crumbs of soil to stick to your skin for ideal conditions.

8. Controlling pests and diseases

Common dill pests include aphids, caterpillars, and worms. The odd invasion of bugs is something it can handle, though. Two effective insect control methods are maintaining evenly moist soil and providing the plant with light.

Powdery mildew and downy mildew fungus are two diseases. Both conditions bring on by excessive humidity and wet dill leaves. The Dill can dry out and be protected from mold and mildew if you place it in the sunshine.

9. Providing support

The hollow stems of Dill make these tall, skinny plants more likely to fall over. Growing Dill successfully requires a protected location out of the wind. Use cages or posts to support your tall dill plants while they develop.

10. Companion planting

Don’t take anyone’s word on what plants go well with Dill; try several combinations to find what grows best in your garden.

Dill is both a neighborly and valuable plant, as it attracts beneficial insects. These are some of the plants that go well with Dill.

  • Basil
  • Chervil
  • Corn
  • Onion
  • Lettuce
  • Asparagus
  • Cabbage

You shouldn’t put Dill in with your carrots. Why? They share a common ancestor; thus, their pollen is easily transferable between plants of the same family. Carrot growth could hinder by Dill if planted close.

Some other plants that don’t get along well with Dill are:

  • Cilantro
  • Peppers
  • Lavender
  • Potatoes

How long will it take for Dill to grow?

Dill is an easily propagated herb that can grow from cuttings. Growing Dill from cuttings is easy and takes only a few weeks.

Therefore, from the moment you put the cuttings in water until you have a new Dill plant would be roughly one and a half to one month and three weeks.

What are the challenges when growing Dill from cuttings?

Growing Dill from cuttings leads to arise several challenges such as,

1. The plant can quickly go into bolting mode.

Too much heat or sunlight will cause the plant to produce flowers and seeds instead of leaves. To avoid this issue, plant dill where it will only receive partial sun, or shade it with a cloth when it is young.

2. Dill attracts pests.

Dill plants attract aphids, whiteflies, and spider mites. Use a horticultural oil or insecticidal soap to eliminate these unwanted pests.

3. It is prone to root rot.

If the cutting wasn’t taken from a healthy plant or given enough time to dry before planting, you might run into this issue. The issue can avoid by using only cuttings from healthy plants and planting them in soil with good drainage.

4. This can be difficult to propagate.

Dill’s taproot makes it challenging to grow new cuttings, so this is the case. Maintaining a healthy dill crop can be difficult because the herb has a relatively short lifespan.

5. Several diseases afflict Dill.

Dill plants are susceptible to diseases like powdery mildew. Conditions can manage with the use of a fungicide.

How to Harvest Dill? 

Dill reaches maturity soon. Give your dill plant a healthy drink of water right before harvest time. If you do this, your cuttings will retain moisture, and the dill plant will receive the hydration it needs to recover from harvest more quickly.

How to harvest dill leaves? 

Dill leaves can pick once the plant has at least five of them. Cut off the oldest leaves. Younger growth won’t be as strong as older growth. If you wait until the plant is well-established, you can cut the entire stalk off just above ground level.

Once the plant blooms, the Dill’s leaves quickly lose their flavor, so it is best to harvest them just before the plant flowers. Removing flower buds before they open can lengthen the harvest time.

Sooner or later, the weather will be too warm for Dill, and the plant will focus all its efforts on producing flowers instead.

How to Grow Dill from Cuttings? | A-Z Beginners Guide

How to harvest dill flowers?

Because of their more robust flavor, you can use dill flowers instead of dill leaves in any recipe that calls for fresh dill sprigs. Umbels should pick when the first yellow flowers appear.

The flower tops should submerge in cold water to prepare them. Stir them around lightly to eliminate dust, debris, and insects. Spread the paper towels out flat and arrange the flowers to dry.

How to harvest dill seeds? 

Don’t pick all of the dill flowers before they go to seed. Approximately 2–3 weeks after plants first begin to flower, you can remove the flower heads when seeds mature and have acquired a tan color.

Dry the flower stems upside down in a cool, dark place with good air circulation. The seed heads can protect from moisture by covering them with paper bags and securing the loads with string.

Once the seeds mature, they will detach from the blossom and fall to the bottom of the bag, where they can easily collect.

Why should you regularly harvest Dill? 

It may seem like too much of a hassle to harvest Dill. The benefits of periodically cutting your plant’s leaf production are listed below.

1. To make Dill thicker and bushier.

Many people are curious about how to cultivate bushy Dill, given that the plant often grows tall and leggy.

Pruning a dill plant may result in a temporarily thinner plant, but it will reward you with more robust, abundant growth in the long run. You should harvest it frequently if you want your Dill to grow thick and healthy.

2. To get to add some flavor to the mix.

It is so evident that it’s almost silly. You can’t decide what to do with all the Dill; you just cut back because the leaves are so lush and fragrant.

Exactly, you’ll be devouring them in no time. You won’t be able to taste the difference right away, but the foods you make with them will be better than before. Whatever the situation, you get to take pleasure in the results of your efforts.

3. To keep the herb in its high-quality phase for longer.

It is another critical detail of Dill’s blossoming. Once the flower stalks mature, the leaves become bitter and lose their aromatic qualities.

The plant is now putting all of its energy into making seeds to grow more plants instead of making food for you to eat.

4. To extend the lifespan of Dill.

Dill is a monocarpic herb that only lives long enough to blossom and produce seeds before dying. Regardless of your efforts, blossoming is the final stage.

If you pick your Dill regularly, you can delay the plant’s transition from vegetative to reproductive stages. Pinch off any flower buds that grow on your dill plant, even if you don’t intend to harvest it.

How to preserve and store Dill?

If you’ve just gathered a beautiful bouquet of Dill, you’ll want to savor every last bite. Prepare your cuttings by washing them in cold water and drying them thoroughly in a salad spinner.

1. Store in an airtight container.

Keep dried leaves in an airtight container for later use. Keeping dried dill seed in an airtight container ensures its long shelf life.

2. Keep in the refrigerator.

Leaves can be refrigerated for up to two days if folded into a damp paper towel and stored in a plastic bag.

3. Freezing.

The fresh leaves can freeze after the freezing process. It’s OK to freeze the leaves either whole or chopped. Freezing leaves soon after harvest enhances their flavor. Stems should freeze in their entirety; frozen leaves can remove as needed and stored in the freezer until needed again. Fresh dill leaves can freeze in butter or vinegar to preserve their flavor.

4. Drying.

Collect flower heads before the seeds dry, shatter, and fall to the ground to ensure a successful seed collection and drying process. Dry flower heads by suspending them upside down in a paper bag. The bag will fill with dry seeds. After the blossoms fade, the seeds are ready to be harvested.

Top 5 easiest Dill varieties to grow

There are 5 easiest Dill varieties to grow in your garden. Grow and enjoy the taste of Dill.

1. Fernleaf

The Fernleaf is an excellent option for individuals who want to cultivate a plant indoors. This dill kind is smaller and less space-consuming than others.

2. Long Island Mammoth 

This type of Dill grows up to 30 inches tall, is bright green, smells good, and is easy to grow. This dill cultivar does best when planted in full sun, where it will receive warm enough, direct light, and in a sandy, well-drained soil.

3. Bouquet 

The vivid yellow of its blossoms will help you recall this one easily. Outdoors, the bouquet kind can reach a maximum height of three feet. A properly cared-for plant has the potential to reach a height of 5 feet.

4. Herkules

This cultivar produces more harvestable herbs and has a more robust flavor. This variety may be ideal for the serious cook.

5. Compatto

The small ‘Compatto’ has blue-green leaves and a robust and fragrant flavor. It matures to a short height of 12-18 inches and is slow to bolt. Plants can tolerate some levels of dryness and high temperatures.

After only 40-50 days, the leaves are ready to be picked. It is the ideal size if you want to grow herbs in a pot.

Watch How to prune and harvest Dill in containers | Video

Top 5 FAQs & answers related to how to grow dill from the cuttings?

Do the health benefits of Dill exist?

Dill’s flavonoids lessen heart disease and stroke risk. Dill improves heart health for other reasons, too. It lowers LDL cholesterol.

Why is my Dill turning red?

Aphid infestations may spread Carrot Motley Dwarf disease to the Dill. Carrot Redleaf virus and carrot mottle virus require infection. Yellowing and reddening of leaves, as well as general growth suppression, are symptoms of the disease.

Can you grow Dill from store-bought dill?

Yes. It is possible to start new plants from the roots of almost any herb you buy at the supermarket.
But you should always begin with the freshest herb possible. To get the most excellent results, use the newest package available.

Does Dill spread in a garden?

Dill can quickly take over if left alone. Even though Dill is not nearly as aggressive as mint, it is still a good idea to keep an eye on your garden and pull any plants that appear to be spreading.

What do you do with dill stalks?

You can chop up small, tender stems right along with the leaves, but you can also use thicker stems. Stuff a fish with Dill stems before grilling or roasting it, use them in a bouquet, or preserve them in a pickle jar alongside the flowers.


By reading this guide, I hope you got the full idea of How to Grow Dill from the Cuttings: a Simple Method Guide.

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Until you can read, How Does Cold Water Affect Plant Growth: Guide with Risks

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