The red-eared slider, often known as the pond slider, is a subspecies of the genus Trachemys. Red-eared sliders, the most abundant turtle in the United States, are widely viewed as an invasive species for this reason. The species’ namesake is the bit yellow to red ‘dash’ around the ears of red-eared slider turtles. The turtle’s carapace, or shell, changes color as it ages. Their name derives from the ease with which they can slide down smooth surfaces like rocks and logs to the water below.
The red-eared slider is an excellent option to get started with turtles. Feeding a red-eared slider can be tricky, especially for novice owners. Due to inadequate care and nutrition, captive red-eared sliders typically don’t make it very far.
The majority of gardeners have to deal with feeding issues, and the question of whether or not red-eared sliders can eat strawberries is a common one. By reading this guide, you will be able to know, Can Red-Eared Sliders Eat Strawberries?

Let’s start,
Can Red Eared Sliders eat fruit?
Red-eared sliders rarely eat the fruit in the wild. Therefore, as a pet owner, you shouldn’t rely on it as a primary source of nutrition. Frequent rewards of fruit recommend.
Many red-eared sliders enjoy eating fresh fruits such as strawberries, bananas, apples, mangoes, grapes, and kiwis; however, because some fruits are high in sugar, giving them too much might cause diarrhea. Turtles can develop diabetes by overeating fruit. Sluggishness, weakness, increased hunger, and frequent urine is signs of diabetes in red-eared sliders.
In addition, specific red-eared sliders might not like eating fresh fruit, even as a special treat. Your turtle’s preferences and character will determine the best course of action. Some people won’t even try fruits, while others will chew them and then spit them out. The same goes for fruit; if your turtle doesn’t like it, don’t feed it to them.
Can my Red Eared Sliders eat strawberries?
However, red-eared sliders don’t consume fruit in the wild, so it’s not good for them to eat it in captivity. But if you give them a diet high in vitamin C, they’ll gladly eat strawberries. It recommends that red-eared sliders should provide a modest amount of strawberries daily.
Aquatic turtles love strawberries—the nutrients and water content of strawberries fuel your slider.
However, while red-eared sliders can consume whole fruits, including the leaves, you shouldn’t give them stale or rotten strawberry leaves.
Extreme overfeeding of turtles with strawberries is dangerous because of the high-calorie content of the fruit. Strawberries’ high sugar content can make digestion difficult for your turtle. Your turtle should feed a small number of strawberries once a week to reduce the likelihood of poisoning. Ingesting a balanced diet of raw vegetables and pellets will do wonders for their health. Strawberries are another tasty option for rewarding your pet.
Why are strawberries good for Red Eared Sliders?
In strawberries, minerals and vitamins, including iron, copper, and phosphorus, can all be found in plenty. They’re nutritious and high in fiber, too. Strawberries are among the healthiest fruit options due to their high nutrient density.
How does the Vitamin A in strawberries affect red-eared sliders’ health?
It is simple for turtles to become deficient in vitamin A, which they need for a healthy respiratory system. An inexperienced owner’s diet mainly consisting of iceberg lettuce or too much animal protein can contribute to this shortage and lead to respiratory difficulties in their turtle. Strawberries and other nutrient-dense fruits can help you provide your pet with the vitamin A it needs.
How does the Vitamin C in strawberries affect red-eared sliders’ health?
Additionally, strawberries are rich in vitamin C. The antioxidant properties of vitamin C are well-known, but its benefits as an immune system and bone health booster overlook. It becomes increasingly significant as your pet matures because it determines the turtle’s maximum growth rate.
How does the Calcium in strawberries affect red-eared sliders’ health?
Calcium is essential for a slider’s healthy bones and muscles. More than 25 milligrams of this bone-hardening mineral may be found in just one cup of strawberries, making them an excellent addition to your pet’s diet.
How do the Minerals in strawberries affect red-eared sliders’ health?
Furthermore, strawberries include several additional vitamins and minerals that are good for your turtle. The vitamins K and B6 are present, as with the minerals potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, manganese, and folate.
How to Feed Strawberries to a Red-Eared Slider?
If you have a red-eared slider, you can feed it strawberries occasionally without worrying too much about its health. It is in contrast to most other species of turtle, which strongly dislike this fruit. Strawberries may not be the healthiest option for your turtle because of their high sugar content. Please don’t feed your pet turtle strawberries unless you’ve witnessed it eating them in the wild.
Red-eared sliders require daily feedings while young. Feed them a protein-rich meal the size of their head at this stage. When they mature, you can introduce them to a wider variety of vegetables and gradually reduce the frequency with which they consume protein.
Red-eared sliders must feed three times a week after they reach two years of age. Adults have the digestive capacity to handle the gradual introduction of new foods, such as raw fruits and vegetables.
You may incorporate strawberries into your turtle’s diet because of their high levels of vitamin A, and vitamin C. Strawberries’ high sugar content may cause digestive problems for the turtle. The digestive system could suffer as a result. Therefore, strawberries shouldn’t be relied on as a sole source of vitamins but rather as part of a well-rounded diet.
What is the best way to feed my red-eared sliders strawberries?
- Wash your strawberries in a mixture of water and baking soda to get rid of pesticides. Be sure to use cold water and a teaspoon per cup.
- Soak the strawberries in the solution for at least 20 minutes.
- After the strawberries have soaked for the allotted time, brush them with a fruit brush as you rinse them under cold water to eliminate any lingering contaminants.
- Cut up a strawberry or two and give them to your turtle. Strawberries are a great way to spend quality time with your pet by feeding them by hand.
- Prepare a tiny amount of strawberries and feed it to your pet turtle once or twice a week to ensure it gets enough of the fruit’s essential elements.

What happens if Red Eared Sliders ear too many strawberries?
Strawberry overfeeding in sliders is a genuine concern for some owners. Although strawberries are acceptable for your tortoise in moderation, you shouldn’t feed them too much.
1. Lead in weight problems.
The excessive sugar content of these foods could cause your slider to gain weight and become less active.
The main issue with feeding strawberries to your red-eared sliders is the high sugar content. While not as high in sugar as other fruits, feeding your pet a diet that includes strawberries regularly can contribute to obesity.
It is possible for turtles, like people, to gain too much weight, resulting in a host of adverse health effects. Reducing the sugar in your turtle could help keep it from getting too fat.
2. May be toxic to sliders.
Tortoises can be sensitive to the toxins in strawberry leaves. Tortoises can’t survive the elder plant because of the deadly hydrogen cyanide gas present in the leaves.
3. Increase in health issues.
Due to the vast number of insects that consume strawberries, farmers typically put a lot of pesticides on the crop. In addition, strawberries absorb and store harmful substances in their surface pits more so than other fruits since they are so porous.
If you want to remove the chemicals from the surface of the strawberries, you can do so by soaking them in a baking soda and water solution. These poisons can remove by scrubbing them with a fruit brush while rinsing, which is especially important if you have a little pet that would be affected more severely than a human.
Tortoises shouldn’t rely on strawberries as a primary source of nutrition. However, combined with other foods, they are safe for feeding in moderation. Try feeding it strawberry leaves to add variety to your tortoise’s diet.
The vitamins, fiber, and vitality can all find in the freshest strawberries. If given in moderation, these fruits can aid in warding off digestive issues. But you should exercise caution and give your tortoise a modest amount of fruit.
4. Reduce nutrition absorption and cause dehydration.
5. Make it sick to its stomach and lead it to diarrhea.
Why do my red-eared sliders not eat?
Strawberry consumption does not recommend for red-eared slider turtles for several reasons. To name a few:
- Inadequate temperature.
- Feeling stressed.
- Unstable environmental conditions.
- Lack of a basking area.
- They don’t have enough pools.
- Serving the same meal every day gets old fast.
Which foods should Red-Eared Sliders avoid?
Which diet would you pick if you were to determine the absolute worst one for red-eared sliders? Some of these meals have names you probably can’t even pronounce! Unfortunately for these sliders, they can only eat plant-based fare. Here are some foods that should avoid at all costs around red-eared sliders.
1. Avocado
Due to their high-fat content, red-eared slider turtles should not be fed avocados. Broccoli, carrots, and zucchini are some more low-fat vegetables that can use in sliders without worry. Make sure your slider gets plenty of both meat and vegetables in his diet.
2. Cabbage
Some plants (such as lettuce) are known to be digestible by red-eared sliders. However, cabbage is not one of them and should avoid at all costs.
3. Spinach
Spinach, with its high vitamin A and calcium levels, is an excellent addition to sliders. Unfortunately, it can create intestinal obstructions in red-eared sliders. Therefore they should avoid eating it.
Consequently, you should always check the label to ensure your slider turtle’s food has no potentially harmful components before feeding it to your pet.
4. Rhubarb
Sliders should give bite-sized pieces of fruit that are soft enough to fit in their jaws. If you didn’t feed your red-eared slider turtle rhubarb, that would help.
Rhubarb is not one of these foods. Apples, grapes, avocados, pears, and tomatoes are other examples of vegetable slider turtles shouldn’t consume since they can mistake them for prey.
5. Chard
Red-eared sliders shouldn’t eat chard because it’s a toxic leafy green. Other vegetables, including spinach, beans, and peas, are not suitable for consuming sliders. Sliding on a plate of raw or undercooked veggies can be dangerous since some vegetables contain bacteria that can make the slider sick.
5 Foods to feed your Red-Eared Sliders, other than Strawberries?
There are several fruits that sliders can consume.
1. Watermelons
Red-eared sliders can also be fed watermelons. They guarantee the well-being and contentment of your pet.
2. Green Beans
Slider turtles are a good option if you need a reptile pet that will also eat vegetables. Because of their omnivorous nature, these critters can feast on anything from green beans to chocolate. Try feeding these reptiles some veggies instead of pet food pellets or standard feeder fish; they tend to absorb these foods rather well.
3. Carrots
Carrots are a popular treat for turtles, but they may not be healthy for them to eat. Before giving a vegetable to your turtle, check with your vet to ensure it is safe and doesn’t contain harmful ingredients or too much sugar. Apples, tomatoes, and green beans are some other veggie slider options.
4. Bell Pepper
One of the most well-liked vegetables, bell peppers can be consumed in various forms, including raw, cooked, and even grilled. They are a great supplement to any diet and have numerous positive health effects. Feeding bell peppers a diet rich in fruits and vegetables will help them stay healthy.
5. Lettuce
Lettuce may be a great choice if you want to feed your red-eared slider turtle a low-calorie vegetable. Lettuce is great for a reptile’s diet since it contains a lot of water. Furthermore, lettuce is a healthy food that can aid in dietary regulation for the turtle, thanks to its low-calorie content. Sliders are fantastic with fresh veggies like carrots, squash, and peas.
Watch How to feed Red-Eared Sliders fruit | Video
How often do I feed my red-eared slider?
It will be different for every turtle owner, as it depends on the age and size of their pet. You must provide daily nourishment for a baby turtle. On the other hand, adult turtles only require food twice or thrice weekly. Protein-heavy diets should give way to vegetable-heavy ones as people age.
Can baby Red-eared Sliders eat strawberries?
The possibility that your young red-eared sliders can digest strawberries may have crossed your mind. Daily fruit intake should average about one cup. When young, they eat mostly meat but branch out to include fruits and vegetables as well as other types of protein occasionally.
Water lettuce, hyacinth, and duckweed are aquatic plants that wild red-eared sliders consume. In adulthood, they’ll switch to eating meat solely if it’s readily available. For one thing, adults have lower protein requirements than children do.
Do red-eared sliders eat apples?
Your red-eared slider can have some shredded apples, of course. Apples are delicious, but their high sugar content should be in moderation.
Can I give my red-eared slider a nutritional supplement?
You can forgive for assuming that the red-eared slider doesn’t need dietary supplements, given that it already consumes a varied and healthy diet. You couldn’t be more wrong.
People who need tiny amounts of specific nutrients may find that even the most beneficial diet isn’t enough to supply them. That’s why you should give your turtle a reptile multivitamin at least twice a week.
Is daily feeding necessary for Red-eared Sliders?
To ensure the health and growth of your red-eared slider’s hatchlings and juveniles, you must provide them daily food. That’s because their metabolism is higher. Thus they develop rapidly. Your slider should feed every day until it is two years old.
By reading this guide, I hope you got the full idea of Can Red-Eared Sliders Eat Strawberries.
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