Most people first see the vibrant green color of Mint when they hear the word. Gardeners adore mint plants because they are so simple to grow. The high growth rate of mint leaves means the plant can quickly take over an entire garden. Because of how fast it multiplies, it often becomes an invasive pest that swiftly takes over a whole garden. Mint leaves have a refreshing flavor and a calming aroma. It is vital to consider various environmental factors to ensure strong and healthy mint leaves.
However, if the Mint leaves on your plant suddenly turn yellow, you might worry that something is wrong with your plant. Different factors can cause Mint to lose its green color and turn yellow. If you want to know why your mint leaves have turned yellow, keep reading. By reading this guide, you will be able to know, Why Are My Mint Leaves Turning Yellow?.

Let’s start,
What causes do affect turning mint leaves yellow?
For several causes, mint leaves can become yellow. Damage to your mint plant’s leaves, as evidenced by discoloration, is a sign that it is not receiving the proper care or is in an unsuitable environment. This result can be the result of a variety of different mistakes.
Here are 12 different reasons why mint leaves turn yellow.
1. Lack of Sunlight
Mint’s ability to transform sunlight into helpful food via photosynthesis is an attractive feature. Chlorophyll, an essential component of photosynthesis, is responsible for the green color of mint leaves.
Therefore, the leaves will turn yellow if the Mint does not get enough sunshine. With less sunlight, the once vibrant green fades.
How to fix it?
The mint plant thrives in bright light, which the grow lamp can provide. The herbs will be able to grow to their full potential using this method.
If you want to plant Mint inside, the best window is the one with the most sunlight. Allowing every leaf to soak up some rays will also be beneficial. Put in some artificial lighting, maybe. Another option is to remove the overhanging branches and relocate to a sunny spot.
2. Mint Sunscald
If you leave the Mint out in the sun for too long or transplant it too soon without giving it a hardening off period, it will suffer from symptoms comparable to a sunburn.
It’s called a mint sunscald, but you probably wouldn’t want to call it a sunburn. The mint leaves will gradually become white and yellow, as illustrated below. The leaves may also become brown or yellow if the weather is scorching.
How to fix it?
Keep an eye on the soil to see whether your mint plant needs watering or if you must keep it in a whole light. Use shade fabric to protect your plants from the sun and hot heat days.
3. Humidity Problems
Your plant could die from dehydration if not kept in a humid environment. Mint leaves quickly dries out by the dry air (particularly in the winter). At first, the leaf margins will turn brown, but eventually, the entire leaf will dry up, droop, and develop a yellowish or brownish tint.
How to fix it?
Like most other plants, Mint thrives best when kept in a somewhat humid environment. It helps the plant maintain the ideal level of moisture without being overwatered.
Keep your Mint in a warm, slightly humid place (but not too hot or too humid). If it’s cozy for you, it’s also okay for your Mint.
4. Overwatering
If you overwater your mint plant, the leaves may turn yellow. Overwatering the soil your mint plant in might cause various issues. It is so because plants “breathe” and take in oxygen not just through their leaves but also via their roots.
Root rot can occur in Mint if the soil is excessively wet, significantly if you grow it in a medium that retains a lot of water, such as clay-based soil. Naturally, this is disastrous for the plant, as it would then be unable to take in nutrients via its roots.
If the plant is not suffering from root rot, the overwatering may prevent the roots from receiving enough oxygen. It may result from problems with your plant, evidenced by yellowing leaves.
How to fix it?
Reduce watering and make sure there is enough drainage. Before watering, it is vital to ensure the soil is dry enough. When sticking a finger into the soil that feels damp, you should hold off on watering for a while. If the ground on your mint plant feels dry to the first joint of your index finger, it needs water.
Use only a pot with at least two drainage holes to ensure your plants don’t drown. If you plan on planting your Mint in the ground, it’s best to do it in an area that doesn’t retain water for long. The incorporation of organic materials can enhance soil drainage.
Organic matter such as compost, well-rotted manure, and last year’s finely shredded leaves are great ways to improve soil quality.
How often should water the Mint plant?
After setting the roots into the soil, you may be curious about how often you should water your potted Mint. You should water your mint plant once or twice daily, as it requires a lot of water.
5. Under-Watering
Your Mint will shed its leaves without sufficient water as a survival mechanism. After turning a sickly yellow, the leaves would droop and fall off. If you see this and the soil around the Mint’s base is dry, it may be because the plant is dehydrated.
How to fix it?
If you are worried that you haven’t been watering your Mint enough, give it a deep soaking. Keep an eye on the soil’s surface moisture levels.
Look for water to seep out of the bottom of the container if your Mint house is in one. You should water your plants in the ground until the soil around them is damp. You may need to water your Mint several times a day to give it the hydration it desperately needs.
If it’s scorching outside, adding organic mulch to the soil around your plants can help keep the soil moist and extend the life of your plants by preventing water from evaporating.
6. Quality of Soil
Mint leaves will suffer from issues like wilting and yellowing if they aren’t getting enough of the nutrients they need. Nitrogen-rich soil is ideal for the growth of mint leaves. If there is no rich soil, mint leaves can turn yellow.
How to fix it?
Grow your plants in nutrient-rich soil and you can do a soil test to check the soil quality. Make sure to add compost to improve soil fertility.
7. Quality of Water
In addition, rough water inhibits mint leaf development. Mint leaves turn yellow and dry out because calcium and salt from hard water accumulate around their roots.
How to fix it?
You should water mint plants with good quality water. Check the quality of your water with the laboratory. It is good to use rainwater, spring water, and well water.
8. Cold Weather
In colder climates, Mint will enter a dormant period during the winter. In the fall and winter, your Mint may develop yellow leaves before turning yellow and crunchy. The plant’s stems will wither away, but its roots will thrive in the ground.
How to fix it?
Bring it inside and display it in a window. Don’t forget the lights inside.
9. Insect Problems
Although garden pests do not typically attack Mint, there is still a chance that some might get in there and turn the leaves yellow. Powdery mildew, Spider mites, and aphids are the most common pests.
How does Powdery Mildew affect turning mint leaves?
Powdery mildew is another typical culprit in Mint becoming yellow. When the affected leaves turn over, a delicate, grayish fungus can spread underneath. It is a significant issue since not only do they make your Mint look terrible (yellowing and dying), but you know that plants can’t survive for very long without their leaves.
How to fix it?
Spraying fungicide on affected leaves and nearby areas is crucial.
How do Spider Mites affect turning mint leaves yellow?
The spider mite may also be responsible for the yellowing of mint leaves. Because they thrive in dry, dusty environments, these pests are more likely to attack your mint plants when they struggle to get enough water. They spin webs on the leaves and appear as tiny moving dots. Spider mites are responsible for the yellow spotting and, in some cases, the dropping of leaves.
How to fix it?
Spider mites, like aphids, can frequently be easily eradicated by spraying them with water. Applying insecticidal soap per the manufacturer’s instructions can be effective in severe infestations.
How do Aphids affect turning mint leaves yellow?
If Mint gets infested by aphids, the leaves may turn yellow and even curl or grow slowly. Aphids, green, yellow, or black, are soft-bodied insects that feed on the leaves and tend to congregate near the base of leaves and on their stems. The honeydew they produce can also encourage the growth of sooty mold on your Mint.
How to fix it?
For minor aphid infestations on healthy, well-established mint plants, a water spray from the garden hose or selective pruning of the affected branches usually does the trick. When dealing with an aphid infestation, insecticidal soap is a safer alternative than spraying hazardous chemicals. You may need to apply the soap once a week to fix the problem permanently.
How do Flour-Lined Plant Bugs affect yellowing mint leaves?
The mint plant and other members of the mint family are favorites of four-lined plant bugs.
They will inflict severe damage to the plant by sucking the juices out of the leaves. Despite the superficial nature of the damage, they have destroyed some of the mojito-making leaves. The four-lined plant insect can spread quickly and wreak extensive harm in a short amount of time. The females lay eggs in the mint plant’s top four to five inches.
How to fix it?
Neem oil and soap that kills insects can help solve the problem. Because they show up quickly and cause damage fast, neem oil is an excellent way to stop them from getting started on this quick but destructive process.
Every 1–2 weeks, spray it on the mint plant’s leaves to keep pests away.
10. Lack of Nutrients
Having nutrient shortages in your soil can cause the leaves of your garden mint to become yellow. You may be experiencing vitamin deficits if your mint leaves are turning brown. When growing mint leaves, this is one of the most common problems you may encounter.
The complete yellowing of mint leaves indicates a lack of nitrogen. Symptoms of potassium deficiency include yellowing around the leaf margins and tips. The veins in mint leaves turn yellow when magnesium or iron levels are too low.
How to fix it?
You should analyze its leaves to determine which nutrient your mint plant needs. Then, pick the fertilizer that has the most of that nutrient.
If you are unsure which nutrient is missing, use the purpose formula. It is crucial to the process of saving the mint leaves.
11. Diseases
Like many other plants, mint plants are susceptible to fungal and viral infections. Several fungal and viral diseases affect turn mint leaves yellow.
How does Leaf Blight affect turning mint leaves yellow?
Blight is a plant disease that affects nearly every plant and comes in many forms. In addition to stunting development and altering leaf color, blight can kill an entire plant.
Though it affects the plant’s central stem most often, it can also appear in the Mint’s lower leaves. The plant and its leaves will turn yellow and eventually die if neglected for too long.
How to fix it?
Fungicides made of copper are effective against blight and other fungal problems, like powdery mildew.
Remove diseased branches and disinfect your pruners after each use to prevent further infection. It is sound advice even while performing routine maintenance such as harvesting or pruning.
How does Verticillium Wilt affect turning mint leaves yellow?
The first sign of this fungus is a brown discoloration around the margins of mint leaves. The wilt fungus causes the leaves to become brittle and curl inward as it spreads through the plant.
How to fix it?
Verticillium wilt is a devastating plant disease that cannot be cured and spreads by fungal spores to adjacent crops.
The infected plants should yank out by their roots and be thrown away or burned immediately. Keep them from your compost pile and other areas of your property. With bleach, it would help disinfect everything you use on infected plants, including your hands and clothes.
Keep a close eye on the rest of the plants and get rid of infected ones as soon as possible. You should not replant your annual Mint in the same spot every year.
How does Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus affect turning mint leaves yellow?
Despite its name, the tomato wilt virus can also infect Mint. Pest thrips are the vector for this virus’s spread in the mint plant ecosystem. Tomatoes, grapes, strawberries, and even soybeans are all susceptible to infection from thrips.
It will lead to brown or orange discoloration of the leaves. Thrips feces can cause the leaves to turn a silvery or even black tint.
How to fix it?
Remove any diseased foliage and spray the entire plant with a solution of 2 tablespoons of dish soap per gallon of water. Spinosad sprays are also effective against thrips, caterpillars, and leaf miners.
How does Mint Rust affect turning mint leaves yellow?
Yellow leaves with rusty patches are a prominent symptom of mint rust, a widespread disease. Spots of yellow, orange, or brown appear on the underside of leaves infected with this powdery fungus.
Mint rust is a disease that kills and disperses through the mint plant’s leaves. Black patches develop on the fungus, and when they do, they release spores that can be inhaled or blown away.
How to fix it?
In the early stages of infection, adjust your care routine. Mint rust likes moist, low-airflow conditions, so leave 18 inches between plants. You may need to cut back or remove some plants for good airflow.
Mint rust can be tough to eradicate, but if you do not use chemical treatments, you can always pluck out the infected plants. All plant material, including the roots, should be dug out, burned, or thrown away.
How does Cucumber Mosaic Virus affect yellowing mint leaves?
Although infections with the cucumber mosaic virus are uncommon in Mint, they can occur.
Aphids are a significant insect vector for the propagation of the cucumber mosaic virus. The yellow stripes on cucumbers, separated by green veins, are the hallmarks of a cucumber mosaic virus.
How to fix it?
Because the cucumber mosaic virus cannot treat, your primary objective should be to stop it from spreading to further plants.
Protect your mint plants from aphids and other sap-sucking insects. Immediately after spotting any, use insecticidal soap as directed.
12. Rootbound
When a plant’s roots don’t have enough space to grow, this calls “rootbound.” It often happens with plants that are in pots or other containers. These are the roots of a mint seedling purchased from a nursery or big-box retailer.
When removing a plant’s pot, you may tell if it has too many roots. The root ball won’t be able to grow anymore.
But if it’s still in the container, check the holes to see if it’s leaking. When there’s no more room in the pot, the roots will often try to get out through those holes.
How to fix it?
Roots that are too compressed can address by rubbing them loose. The next step is to transfer the plant to a larger pot with adequate drainage.
What are the common solutions to prevent turning mint leaves yellow?
It is better to know the common solutions to prevent turning mint leaves yellow. There are a few solutions discussed below.

1. Use fertile soil.
Mint prefers rich, slightly acidic to neutral pH soil. Drainage is also important.
Digging through nitrogen- and carbon-rich organic debris like compost, worm castings, and aged cow manure will help prepare the soil for your mint plants. It will help your mint plant thrive, whether you grow it in the ground or a container, by gradually releasing nitrogen over three to six months.
2. Give plants adequate sunlight.
Although they may survive in full sun with regular watering, mint plants thrive in partial shade. To be safe, you should shade them from midday light. In addition, Mint may grow in partially shaded areas. However, it may grow taller and produce fewer, less delicious leaves.
3. Prune plants.
Mint should prune by about half during the growing season. Removing the plant’s flowering tops will produce plenty of Mint for fresh usage, freezing, or drying. At the close of the growing season or the year, mint plants should prune to within an inch (2.5 cm). Mowing the lawn is an option if your bed is sufficiently spacious.
4. Apply a mulch around the plants.
Use a thick layer of mulch around your mint plant to keep it from turning yellow. You can use either straw, sugar cane mulch, or bark mulch. All of them will aid in retaining moisture and providing insulation for the Mint’s roots in the soil.
Mulch can help keep weeds at bay, which can be a problem because they compete with your Mint for nitrogen, resulting in yellowing leaves. Mulch will stay put, and light mulches won’t fly away if you water your mint plant thoroughly after applying it.
5. Repot the plant.
Annual repotting helps keep your Mint healthy and prevents yellowing leaves. Mint is a fast-growing plant that will consume a lot of nutrients as it fills the pot. When the Mint has gone dormant, it can report at the close of the summer growing season.
For optimal growth of your Mint, amend the soil with some new, well-draining potting mix and some pelletized chicken manure.
6. Make a correct watering schedule.
Create and adhere to a watering schedule that specifies how often and how much water should use to sustain your mint plants. Check your plant’s moisture levels often to see if you’re over-or under-watering it.
If you want your Mint to thrive all day long, water it first thing in the morning.
7. Keep eye on humidity.
Low humidity might hurt mint plants. If you’re growing Mint inside, spray it between waterings or lay the pot on a tray of pebbles. It is essential in winter.
8. Fertilize on plants.
If your soil is nutrient-poor, feed mint plants from spring through fall. Container-grown and nutrient-poor soil plants benefit from balanced, all-purpose fertilizer starting in spring. Read labels.
Without adequate nitrogen, mint leaves turn yellow. Fish emulsion and pelleted chicken manure are good nitrogen sources. Blood and bone meal boosts nitrogen in Mint.
The best way to keep Mint from turning its leaves yellow is to treat it with nitrogen before the spring and summer growing seasons. Sprinkle some chicken dung on top and soak it up when the weather warms up in the spring.
Can you eat yellow mint leaves?
The leaves of a mint plant that has been affected by rust or another fungal disease should not consume. You can still finish the leaves of a mint plant with Sunscald (sunburn), but they may have an odd flavor.
Removing the yellowed leaves from your mint plant and replacing them with newer, healthier ones should improve airflow and the plant’s overall health.
Finding yellow leaves on your mint plant is a bummer, but now you know what to do about it, so your plants will thrive and produce more Mint for your next harvest.
Can yellow mint leaves turn green again?
When you see a yellow leaf, you presumably want it to turn green. It’s tough to say whether this is possible how the leaf became yellow matters. Some damage is reversible, whereas others are permanent.
Overwatering the plant, choking out the roots, and cutting off nutrition to the yellow leaf, can be reversed. Fixing your watering schedule will allow the roots to feed the leaf, restoring its natural green color.
Blistering damage is hard to reverse if you leave a plant in the sun too long. The leaves outside are damaged. Unfortunately, shade and nutrition won’t help.
Identify what harmed your Mint’s leaves to know if you should try to fix them or accept that they can’t be changed back to their natural color.
Top 5 Best Mint Varieties to grow
Five different kinds of Mint will do well in a garden. Benefit from the cool, minty sensation.
1. Spearmint
Spearmint, often known as common Mint, is the most widely grown type of Mint. Typical uses include in the kitchen. Spearmint is a perennial herb with green, thin leaves and a refreshing aroma that is less intense than peppermint.
2. Peppermint
Peppermint is, hands down, the most popular variety of Mint. It’s a mix of water, Mint, and spearmint, so the flavor is bold, yet the scent is pleasant.
Peppermint is popular in confections, sweets, and drinks due to its refreshing, minty taste. It can also use as an ingredient in sweet and savory meals.
3. Pineapple Mint
Another mint for your garden, pineapple, is best. Pineapple mint is a showy addition to any garden, with its green leaves, white border, and white or pink flowers blooming throughout the summer.
4. Lavender Mint
In addition to its aesthetic value as a houseplant, lavender Mint is a popular culinary herb. The plants can grow as tall as two feet, contrasting them with their creeping low-growing counterparts. It grows into a row or hedge that looks great at the back of gardens.
Growing lavender Mint is a good idea because it can use for both medicinal and culinary purposes.
5. Apple Mint
Flowers of a soft pink or white color occur on apple mint plants in early to midsummer, and the plant itself has circular, light green leaves with a few hairs at the top. Apple mint distinguishes by a fruity aftertaste that is reminiscent of apples.
Watch how to stop insects from eating mint leaves | Video
What kind of fertilizer is best to use for mint?
Mint thrives with little fertilizer. One teaspoon of 16-16-16 slow-release fertilizer mixes into the soil before planting, and each spring offers enough nutrients for a growing season.
Why are the leaves on my winter mint plant going yellow?
Overwatering, a lack of sunlight, and excess moisture in the soil are the most typical causes of yellowing mint leaves. To ensure optimal mint leaf growth during the winter, you must keep these factors constant.
How often should you water Mint indoors?
Water mint every 2-3 days, or more if you live in a dry environment or it gets a lot of sunlight. Check the soil daily to ensure it’s hydrated.
How do I encourage my mint plant to grow bushy leaves?
You can sprinkle some slow-release fertilizer on the soil if you’d like. Douse the plants generously with water. Lastly, pin the top two to four leaves on each plant, as seen by my fingers in the image to the left. It will cause the Mint to spread and thicken up.
Is Mint toxic to dogs?
One or two fresh mint leaves per day are safe for dogs. Too many mint leaves can upset a dog’s stomach. Serve Mint periodically, not often.
By reading this guide, I hope you got the full idea of Why Are My Mint Leaves Turning Yellow: Guide with What to Do
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